To: Charles River Deanery Parishes
Fm: Bernie Jones, Deanery Clerk, on behalf of the Rev. Lynn Campbell, clergy co-convenor:
On January 15, 2013, our Diocesan Bishop, Tom Shaw, announced his coming retirement. Bishop Shaw’s retirement will occur sometime in 2014, although the exact date is not presently known. The recent discovery and treatment of Bishop Tom’s brain cancer has been a shock to all of us, and we continue our prayers that Tom will know God’s healing grace.
The people of the Charles River Deanery are invited to engage in prayer, conversation and listening as we, together, discern the criteria for choosing the next presiding Bishop for our Diocese. Each voice is important. We invite you to speak and to listen with faith and the courage of open hearts at a “Listening Event” scheduled for the Charles River Deanery at St. Paul’s Church Brookline, on June 19, 2013 from 7-9 in the evening. St. Paul’s Church is located at 15 St. Paul’s St. Brookline MA, and the parish telephone number is 617-566-4953. We greatly value your attendance and participation not only to express your own point of view, but to hear those of others. However, if you are unable to attend the meeting of your Deanery, you may also attend a Listening Event for any of the other Deaneries, which are listed on the Diocesan website.
If you are unable to attend a Listening Event, you may still express your views by completing an on-line survey, which you can access at the following link:
If you do not have internet access we urge you to obtain and complete a printed survey from your Parish office.
More details on the discernment process for the new Bishop, will be available at in the near future. God bless each of you as