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Music for Holy Week – 2018


On Palm Sunday, the music will take us from the “Hosannas” of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to the cries of anguish at the Cross.  After the dramatic reading of the Passion, the Adult Choir will offer When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, arranged by British composer Richard Lloyd.  During Communion, the choir will sing a Passion text by the English hymn-writer Isaac Watts set to the shape-note tune Walpole by Massachusetts composer Abraham Wood (1752-1804).

Maundy Thursday, March 29 at 7:30 p.m. the Adult Choir will lead a Taizé service of quiet contemplation, as we hear story of the Last Supper and prepare for the Passion on Good Friday.

On Easter Sunday, April 1 at 10:00 a.m., the sounds of trumpet and organ will fill the sanctuary as we celebrate the Resurrection.  The Junior Choir will begin the service with The Angel Rolled the Stone Away, a spiritual arranged by Geoff Weaver.  Trumpeter Tony Gimenez will join the Adult Choir in A Hymn of Resurrection by contemporary American composer Gwyneth Walker.  Communion music will include Easter pieces by Johann Ludwig Bach, Daniel Burton and C.V. Stanford.  Congregation and choirs together will sing Easter hymns.  Please join us on this festive day!



St. Mary's Episcopal Church

258 Concord Street

Newton Lower Falls, MA 02462

(617) 527-4769

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