Thank you to all who volunteered to help with the Sunday School bookshelf assembly project! We are all set!
Easter Egg Recycle Bin If you have plastic eggs to recycle from our Egg Hunt on Easter, there is a box under the bulletin board for their collection and re-use!
Save the Date! Coffee Hour: Supporting our Sister Parish in El Salvador Sunday May 2nd 11:00 A.M. We are seeking volunteers to help with an important project for our friends in El Salvador. All youth are invited to contribute to a binder/scrapbook of photos, art and personal messages to be sent to the children of our sister parish in El Salvador. If you have creative ideas, materials, and/or are willing to help supervise this project during coffee hour on May 2nd, please let Isabel know by Sunday, April 25th. She would love to work with you!
Final Diocesan Godly Play Workshop for 2010 Saturday May 8th On Saturday May 8th, the final 2010 Godly Play workshop will address the “Liturgical Actions” of Godly Play. This Saturday workshop runs from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. at All Saint’s Episcopal Church in Belmont MA. . Please let Isabel Phillips know if you would like to attend with her. St. Mary’s will cover the fee for you.
Godly Play at St. Mary’s Sunday June 6th 11:30 – 12:30 pm If you cannot invest in a day of Godly Play on May 8th, please sign up to participate in this adult forum facilitated by Isabel Phillips on Sunday June 6th after the worship service. We will meet downstairs in the Sunday School rooms for this hands-on event! Whether or not you have children of Sunday School age, please come hear more about the past, present and future of Godly Play as a core piece of Christian Education at St. Mary’s. All adults are welcome, and extended childcare will be provided.