Photo by Rev. George Stevens
Sunday, October 26
8:00am Holy Eucharist
9:45am Childcare
9:45am Sunday School
10:00am Holy Eucharist
11:00am Coffee
11:15am WSM Board Meeting
4:00pm Christ the King
Monday, October 27
8:30am Yoga
8:00pm AA (6:30 newcomers)
Thursday, October 30
9:00am CTK – Chapter Rm
6:30pm Junior Choir
7:30pm Adult Choir
Friday, October 31
8:00am Yoga
10:00am Hills & Falls – Parish Hall
Sunday, November 2
Daylight Saving Time Ends
8:00am Holy Eucharist
9:45am Childcare
9:45am Sunday School
10:00am Holy Eucharist
11:00am Coffee Hour
11:15am Meeting on Christian Ed
Led by Rev. George Stevens
4:00pm Christ the King